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Innovative medical eHealth platform focusing on cutting health care costs in millions, KBH - Springboard

  • 03 Feb 2017
  • 13:00 - 16:00
  • MedTech Innovation, DTU, kl 13:00 til 16:00 pa Anker Engelundsvej Bygning 101 - Mødecentret, 2800 Kongens Lyngby
  • 9


  • Vær med som observatør og bliv inspireret af vækstvirksomheden og paneldeltagerne. Tilmeldingsfristen er d. 1. februar 2017.
  • Vær med til at give sparring til vækstvirksomheden, og til at netværke med de andre medlemmer i panelet. Tilmeldingsfristen er d. 1. februar 2017.

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Points for sparring

The product has complex business model, where both companies and insurance companies will benefit, but it is complex to implement at the organizations.

Which way should we focus B2B or B2C?  

If we go to market through B2C, then how can we find funding, as it requires marketing & business development expenses?

Collaborations and partnerships opportunities with other technology companies (eg. sensor companies, healthcare sector)?

What kind of collaborations and partnerships we should consider? Insurance/work places or health care?

Input to our strategy in general.

Industry: Medtech
Stage of development: Proof of Business


The company provides an innovative medical eHealth platform based on a mobile application, desktop dashboard and easy-to-use sensor. The product is diagnosing, monitoring/tracking all the elements of stress and offers “treatment solution”. It helps people prevent and overcome chronic stress.

The solution can be used by clinics, hospitals, workplaces and private. It is already being used at clinics & hospitals.

More than three years of research has gone into development of the algorithm of the analytical software based on Heart rate variability (HRV), which is the physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats.

The solution is already validated at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and master’s thesis is written on the technology. We are also conducting clinical trials with WHO standards with leading and well known stress clinics in Copenhagen, where the professional has background of treating 7000 stressed patients.

According to WHO - Stress would be the main source of diseases in 2020. Individuals under high levels of pressure at work are 45 % more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to those experiencing lower stress levels. We contribute to solving the biggest problem of our society and while doing that, we help people getting a better life.

Current product is targeted for Stress management, later it could be targeted for specific diseases related to stress - like depression, anxiety.

Finansiering & Kapitalrejsning
Investor Pitch


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