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Formålsdrevet brand og opkommende medieplatform udvikler og samarbejder på projekter som øger kvinders repræsentation. KBH – SPRINGBOARD®

  • 26 Aug 2020
  • 14:00 - 16:30
  • CONNECT Denmark, kl 14:00 til 16:30 i BLOX - Mødelokale Copenhagen - Bryghusgade 8, 1473 København K
  • 15


  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: Onsdag den 19. august 2020
  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: Onsdag den 19. august 2020

Registration is closed

Fokus: forretningsudvikling


Vi er et formålsdrevet brand og opkommende medieplatform. Vi udvikler og samarbejder om projekter som øger kvinders repræsentation.

Sammen med vores voksende community, and gennem sociale initiativer og partnerskaber, skaber vi forudsætningerne for forandring via kultur. Det vil sige ved at fremhæve rollemodeller, skrive artikler, være værter for events, udgive podcasts, lave videoer, udvikle produkter og tale med vores partnere om hvordan vi kontinuerligt kan øge kvinders repræsentation.

Vi tror på at uden diversitet og inklusion kan samfundet ikke nå sit fulde potentiale, og gennem øget kvindelig repræsentation, ved at fremhæve rollemodeller og forstærke den kvindelige stemme, inspirer, løfter og bemyndiger vi piger og kvinder. Vi tror på udvikling og perfektion, og forstår vores lille men ikke ubetydelige rolle i arbejdet mod et mere balanceret og ligeligt samfund. Vi sender vores respekt til alle individer, aktivister, politikere, rollemodeller, samfund og bevægelser der arbejder på at skabe en bedre verden.

Punkter til sparring

- Accelerere medieplatform og ”følger” vækst

- Salgsstrategi

- Organisationsstrategi i forbindelse med skalering

Branche: Film, lyd, bog og musikudgivelser (digital indholdsproduktion)

Udviklingsstadie: Proof of Scale

Region: Hovedstaden

Kompetencer til panel

Afsætning & Distributionskanaler



Innovation (forretning, marked, produkt, proces)




Strategi og vækstplaner

Virksomhedsdrift & Handlingsplan

This SPRINGBOARD® will be held in Danish / Dette SPRINGBOARD® vil blive afholdt på dansk


Business verticals

We achieve our mission of closing the gender gap across 5 distinct business verticals, designed to deliver lasting societal impact. Our verticals are Content, Partnerships, Consulting, Products and Events. Our verticals are interlinked and inform each other:

Content and our media channels serve as a hub to amplify women’s voices and their stories in the form of articles, videos, illustrations, photography, podcasts and memes. Our predominant channels are the website, SoMe including Youtube etc. Content is produced in-house and sourced externally.

Partnerships: We partner with like-minded individuals, brands and organisations to further the agenda of closing the gender gap. Partnerships can take many forms, from content production and distribution, to product and campaign programs, events or consulting. To give an example, we have an ongoing global partnership with Adidas based in a product collection, where we create all campaign materials for wider distribution and project activations in key global cities.

Consulting: Servicing companies and organisations with insights and tools to further the agenda.

Products: Our lifestyle products of tee shirts and soft goods is distributed globally and through our own eCom. The products serve as a conversation starter and a billboard on people who become our ambassadors wearing our statement/logo. Consumers are often segmented into those who support our company and its work, and those who impulsively buy because of our strong brand name and logo.

Events: We produce, host and partner on a range of event formats. From entrepreneurship programs, talks, art shows and concerts to action sports and culture festivals, all designed to build real connection, communities and increase female representation.

The business model

Through our 5 verticals we create revenue through content production, advertising, product licensing royalties, creative concept development and execution, consulting, product sales and event ticketing and sponsorships.


Our media platform is our main driver for audience growth and brand awareness, alongside our high-profile partnerships. We are 4 years old and have a small wholesale business in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and the US. Our largest channel is our Instagram with just under 100k followers with the largest audience in the US, followed by Germany, UK and Nordics.


For each of our verticals we have audience segmentation - but our general consumer audience is a 18-35 y.o. with a 90/10 F/M split. We target Statement fashion shoppers, creatives & entrepreneurs, content consumers and youth.

The organisation

Co-founder A: Marketeer, Former Senior Creative, Virtue Worldwide, Global Marketing, Norse.

Co-founder B: Former Creative Thank You, Senior AD Grey Nordic, Interactive Designer Bestseller.

Partner & Director A: Former Monster Energy Marketing Manager, NGO Project Lead at GAME

Partner & Director B: Former Portfolio Manager/CIO at Navigera and Skandia

Spørgsmål til panelet

- How do we scale the content production and media platform?

- How do we get hockeystick growth on our audience?

- How can we manage organisational growth including remote hubs?

- What is a sustainable financial strategy for growth while retaining a high level of credibility, given we work within culture, purpose and impact - in a segment predominantly linked to non profits.

CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: connect@connectdenmark.com — Sociale platforme:
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