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ONLINE: Digital platform provides cultural video-content - culture without limits – SPRINGBOARD®

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • 13:00 - 16:00
  • Vækstfonden, kl 13:00 til 16:00 pa online, mødeplatform
  • 13


  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: 10. december 2021
  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: 10. december 2021

Registration is closed


Focus: Business Development

Short description

The company has developed a digital platform that provides cultural video content so that citizens, tourists and children can have digital cultural experiences and thereby gain learning and knowledge about the surrounding culture. Our vision is that everyone should have equal rights to culture and to democratize culture. We aim to be the leading portal for digital cultural experiences and the first of its kind in Denmark.

Points for sparring

1. Concept and business development

2. Segmentation

3. Fundraising

Industry: Film, sound, book and music releases (digital content production)

Development stage: Proof of Concept

Region: Capital region

Skills wanted for the panel

Financing & Funding

Business Development

Innovation (business, market, product, process)

Investor Pitch

Concept Development

Strategy and Growth Plans

This SPRINGBOARD® will be held in Danish / Dette SPRINGBOARD® vil blive afholdt på dansk



“Culture without limits”

Problem – three-parted:

Municipalities do not have a user-friendly platform that collects and communicates all cultural experiences, and they are thus not able to tell the local story that is not a part of the cultural institutions.

Citizens and visitors suffer from limiting factors such as geographical location, economy and socio-economy to gain cultural knowledge. Even though there already exist a certain amount of digital cultural experiences, they have to navigate on several platforms to find it, which makes the process unnecessarily complicated.

The subscribers both involve cultural institutions, educational institutions and corporations. They are all stakeholders who have a need to create increased awareness of their own work.


The company has developed a digital platform that provides cultural video content and makes it available so everybody can have digital cultural experiences and achieve knowledge of the surrounding culture. By providing quality content on a common platform, the culture will not only be spread regionally but also nationally and in the longer term internationally.

Value proposition

For municipalities: 1) More visitors 2) Higher public engagement in local culture 3) Exchange of culture worldwide 4) Quality education and 5) Visibility.

For citizens and visitors: 1) Access to unlimited culture 2) Cultural habitus 3) Easy and user-friendly platform 4) Overview over cultural experiences in the area

For subscribers: 1) Branding 2) Onboarding of new employees - way to ensure the best applicants 3) Inspiration channel for visitors 4) Visibility


Municipalities, companies, educational and cultural institutions, and citizens.

Business model

The company works with three different payments. We aim to create templates for video productions for the subscriber so that they can create content independently from the company in the future. In that way the platform can be self-generating and is thereby easily scalable.

B2B/B2G (Corporations at all sizes, cultural and educational institutions):

Production fee: 50.000 - 100.000 dkk // Video

Consultant fee 1.000 dkk // Hours

Subscription: 20.000 dkk // year


The team is differentiated and have skills within both teaching, history, dramaturgy and sales. Our advisory board consists of people with complementary skills and work experiences within entrepreneurship, business development and communication. We have a present advisory board who we are in constant dialog with.


The company expects to generate profit and achieve sales of DKK 20 million by 2024.


The company was founded in February 2021. With funding from FFE we have produced two VR videos. We have made a market analysis and tried our material on over 250 students. Furthermore, we have created our own website and SoMe channels and are cooperating with the University of Copenhagen and have been in local newspapers. We have started initial sales to a couple of municipalities which we hope to close within 2021. Our biggest challenge is to get investment and soft funding so that we can create our platform.

Questions for the panel

1.How to clarify and sharpen our concept?

2.Who should our beachhead market be?

3.How to raise money?

CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: connect@connectdenmark.com — Sociale platforme:
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